Message from CEO Steve Starks –
Last week, we experienced hurricane-force winds across much of northern Utah. Many of our employees were impacted: power outages, property damage, cancelled classes, and delays to appointments and travel.
It seems that the winds of change are constantly blowing about us in 2020. The year has been anything but “normal”: a global pandemic, natural disasters, social unrest and riots, and a politically charged election year to name a few.
The impacts of 2020 on our business enterprises have varied from locations being completely shuttered, to operating at a reduced level or an alternative format, to adjusting to record levels of activity with fewer resources than we had all grown accustomed to. Many of our businesses have experienced all the above while also having to make significant adjustments in short time spans to keep pace with changing governmental and health department directives.
And while, as a collective group, we have responded in unbelievable ways and logged many incredible accomplishments, all the change and resulting impact can take a toll: mentally, physically, financially and emotionally. The reality is that the last several months have impacted all of us in one way or another.
Please know, that in addition to our gratitude for your great work, we also care very much about you and your wellbeing. Please take advantage of the resources within our Employee Assistance Hotline at 800-316-2796, if needed. Talk to your supervisor or People & Culture/HR representative if you have questions or want more information. And finally, please be aware of additional resources that may help with the stress and anxiety we all feel at times. We’ve put together a special article to help you navigate the best options: Putting Your Well-being First.
While uncertainty may be a part of what we are all dealing with as we look to the future, I believe there is also a tremendous amount of opportunity in our collective paths forward. Whether we are talking about business or the challenges many endure in society, we have the opportunity of focusing forward and having the courage to take action on those things that are within our control and will make a difference. Serving our customers, our coworkers, our families and communities can have a tremendous impact on how we see the world.
We are in this together. We may not always agree, and we may view things very differently, but we are all human. We can choose to be helpful, respectful and empathetic. Each day is a new day, and it can be a great day if we all work together and respect one another no matter how hard the winds blow.